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How about this woman?
99.03.23 01:09 | 1,720 hit

시 일 월 년 여자

丁 甲 丙 壬
卯 寅 午 辰

庚 戊 丙 甲 壬 庚 戊 소운: 순행
辰 寅 子 戌 申 午 辰

己 庚 辛 壬 癸 甲 乙 대운: 역행
亥 子 丑 寅 卯 辰 巳

辛 己 丁 乙 癸 辛 己 소운: 순행
巳 卯 丑 亥 酉 未 巳

First of all I have to tell you that I am very sorry, but I have no Korean font to write a mail in a website.

I am a Korean who is living abroad now. I want to know about the future of a woman whom I know a little bit.

I will explain about this woman a little bit.

She is a Korean and married a foreigner for 25 years. Now she is considering about devorce. Until recently she has had not much problem with her life, not only with her man but also her children, but since a few years ago there has been trouble with her man. She is very unhappy now. She feels very uneasy with everything, not just with her family.

What can she do?

Should she devorce her man, and start a brand new life? Or should she swllow all pains and stand tall against all odds?

If you have sympathy with this a little bit poor woman, tell me your good advice, then I will relay it to her. If she get your wisdon she will be very happy.

You may write in Korean. I can read your mail in Korea even if I can never write in Korean. Do you understand what I mean? You can write your mail as usual.

Yours J. B. Lee

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