모바일 :: 인터넷역학 - 역학토론
Thanks J.H.(Re:826) but can anybody help her(Re: 825) more?
99.03.24 02:17 | 1,798 hit

시 일 월 년 남자

丁 乙 己 癸
丑 亥 未 巳

庚 戊 丙 甲 壬 庚 戊 소운: 순행
寅 子 戌 申 午 辰 寅

壬 癸 甲 乙 丙 丁 戊 대운: 역행
子 丑 寅 卯 辰 巳 午

辛 己 丁 乙 癸 辛 己 소운: 순행
卯 丑 亥 酉 未 巳 卯

This is her(Re: 825) man, Thomas C.

Can anybody tell her a little bit more what she has to do now?

Maybe there could be some problems with the analysis of his fortune because he is a foreigner. But you do not have to worry about the summer time. At the year of his birth, there was no summer time here.

He is jobless since August, 1998. He does not have much education, I mean he did not visit university, therefore he could not have a decent job, but he never has had problem with money. His mother is relatively wealthy.

He speaks many foreign languages, but he is not so good with Korean. And he still has problem with Korean food and tradition even his wife is from Korea. But to me they are not so quite different from each other, I mean with their characters. Of course I am an outsider, I can not see through both of them. She is my friend and tells me about her problem more or less.

I just want to help her but I can not much. That is why I am asking you about her fortune in this website.

Can you understand this situation?

Thank you for your help in advance

Yours J.B. Lee

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