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CNN "풍계리 핵실험장 폐기는 곧 증거 인멸 행위"
날짜 : 2018-05-23 (수) 13:28 조회 : 639
To experts, North Korea dismantling nuclear site is like destroying evidence

Like trampling on a crime scene

Bruce Bechtol says evidence that might have been collected will now be lost to the world.
"It's kind of like a murder scene where they let people like you and me trample around in it, it's the same concept," said Bechtol, a professor of political science at Angelo State University who has authored several books on North Korea.

"The North Koreans have conducted all these tests here, every single weapons test, so if they let experts in to look at these tunnels before they let anyone else in that would be potentially for us an intelligence boon," he said.

Some observers have said that the site had become partially unusable anyway due to the damage incurred after six nuclear tests since 2006, while others say the site was still in operation only months ago.

범죄현장을 망가뜨리는 행위란다. 사실 북한이 주장하듯 현재 핵보유국들이 할 말은 아니다. 하지만 국경을 맞대고 있으면서 위협이 되는 집단이 도사리고 있는 경우는 간과할 수가 없다.




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