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헤리티지 재단의 성명 - 2020 미대선에 관한
글쓴이 : 芝枰 날짜 : 2020-11-09 (월) 13:44 조회 : 278

WASHINGTON—Heritage Foundation President Kay C. James made the following statement about the 2020 presidential election results.

“The American people deserve and demand election results they can trust. When the litigation in the critical battleground states has been settled and all allegations of fraud and irregularities have been investigated, that’s what they will have.




Unfortunately, we are not there yet. Recounts and pending litigation must be resolved to the satisfaction of the political parties and the Americans who support them and voted for them.




Election integrity is a pillar of our Republic, and without it, we won’t last. For the sake of this election and all of the subsequent elections in generations to come, we must come to a legitimate conclusion. Anyone rushing to the finish, including the media and those with a vested interest in one outcome, are doing a disservice to the country.




Like Vice President Biden has said, democracy, “sometimes requires a little patience.”

芝枰 2020-11-09 (월) 13:56
“The American people deserve and demand election results they can trust.
미국민들은 그들이 믿을 수 있는 선거결과를 요구하고 받아볼 수 있는 자격이 있다.

When the litigation in the critical battleground states has been settled and all allegations of fraud and irregularities have been investigated, that’s what they will have.
중요한 접전 주에서의 소송이 해결 되고, 사기와 부정행위에 대한 모든 혐의가 조사됐을 때 믿을 수 있는 결과를 받아볼 수 있게 될 것이다.

Unfortunately, we are not there yet.
불행하게도 아직 우린 그곳에 이르지 않았다.

Recounts and pending litigation must be resolved to the satisfaction of the political parties and the Americans who support them and voted for them.
재검표와 소송은 정당들과 그들을 지지하고 투표한 미국민들한테 만족할 만한 결과여야 한다.

Election integrity is a pillar of our Republic, and without it, we won’t last.
선거의 무결성은 공화국의 근간이다. 그것 없이는 나라가 존속할 수 없다.

For the sake of this election and all of the subsequent elections in generations to come, we must come to a legitimate conclusion.
이번 선거와 앞으로 세대를 거쳐 치뤄질 선거들을 위해 우리는 정당한 결론에 도달해야 한다.

Anyone rushing to the finish, including the media and those with a vested interest in one outcome, are doing a disservice to the country.
미디어와 이미 한 가지 결론을 주장하는 자들을 포함해서, 결론을 급하게 매듭지으려 하는 자는 누구든 국가에 해를 끼치려 하는 것이다.

Like Vice President Biden has said, democracy, “sometimes requires a little patience.”
조바이든이 말한 것처럼 민주주의는 때로 약간의 인내심이 필요하다.

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