총 게시물 2,592건, 최근 1 건
왼손잡이 미국 대통령들
글쓴이 : 芝枰 날짜 : 2018-12-01 (토) 22:45 조회 : 977

왼손잡이들의 사주패턴에 대한 연구는 끊임없이 진행되어야 하다. 단순히 음양으로 대분되지 않는 복잡한 구조가 있을 지도 모를 가능성을 열어두고 보아야 한다.

Believe it or not, President Bill Clinton was this country's third consecutive left-handed president. George W. Bush was the first right-handed president since Jimmy Carter. President Barack Obama is also left-handed. The following presidents were all southpaws:

20th James A. Garfield
31st Herbert Hoover
33rd Harry S. Truman
38th Gerald Ford
40th Ronald Reagan
41st George H.W. Bush
42nd Bill Clinton
44th Barack Obama




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