총 게시물 2,604건, 최근 0 건
메리 오스틴 사주 - 프레디 머큐리 연인
글쓴이 : 芝枰 날짜 : 2019-08-13 (화) 19:23 조회 : 1712

현재 사주명식은 오류를 포함함.

양 력: 1951년  3월  6일  Mary Austin
음/평: 1951년  1월 29일  여자

일 월 년

乙 庚 辛
巳 寅 卯

庚 己 戊 丁 丙 乙 甲 癸 壬 辛 
子 亥 戌 酉 申 未 午 巳 辰 卯 
91 81 71 61 51 41 31 21 11 1.3

현재 나이: 69 세
현재 대운: 酉

프레디머큐리가 처음 에이즈 진단을 받았던 해가 병인년(1986)이었다. 오 대운 병인년.

In October 1986, the British press reported that Mercury had his blood tested for HIV/AIDS at a Harley Street clinic. A reporter for The Sun, Hugh Whittow, questioned Mercury about the story at Heathrow Airport as he was returning from Japan. Mercury denied he had the disease.[99] According to his partner Jim Hutton, Mercury was diagnosed with AIDS in late April 1987.[120] Around that time, Mercury claimed in an interview to have tested negative for HIV.




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