총 게시물 2,798건, 최근 1 건
김홍빈 사주, 산악인
글쓴이 : 芝枰 날짜 : 2021-07-22 (목) 07:37 조회 : 1297
양 력: 1964년 11월 20일  김홍빈
음/평: 1964년 10월 17일  남자

일 월 년

癸 乙 甲
酉 亥 辰

추락 실종
+: 2021년 07월 19일 00:00:00 월
-: 2021년 06월 10일 평

시 일 월 년

壬 戊 乙 辛
子 辰 未 丑

경도: 76.5400666
위도: 35.804778

파키스탄 표준시
동경: 75도

관살이 왕한 시기였다. 생환을 기대하기는 어려워 보인다. 그가 원하던 목표는 이루었다.

芝枰 2021-07-22 (목) 07:39

Timeline of rescue mission on Broad Peak. July 17-19. ➡️на рус в предыдущем посте
On July 17, at 23:00 local time, the DZF team began the ascent to the summit from Camp 3 (7100 m). Around the same time, another 5 teams start to climb. A good forecast was literally for two days, and everyone was in a hurry.
On July 18, at 16:30 local time, Anton Pugovkin, Vitaly Lazo and Thomas Lone decided to turn back: it was still an hour and a half to the top, and the guys understood that they would have to go down in the dark, and decided not to risk it.
On July 18, at 20:00 the DZF team descended to Camp 3, decided to continue the ascent and make a second attempt a week later, in better weather conditions.
At the same time, several groups continued their ascent, including a Korean team and a group with a young climber from Russia Anastasia Runova.
At 24:00 a message was received: in the col area at 7900 m there was a fall, a girl fell. It also became known that an emergency situation occurred with Kim Hong-Bin
July 19
At 00:15 Anton and Vitaly went to rescue, climbers in Camp 3 collected additional medicines and oxygen.
According to preliminary data, Anastasia was pulled out from the crack by a porter, and they began to descend. From this point she descended without the crampons (they were left in the crack).
At 4 o'clock in the morning, Anton Pugovkin and Vitaly Lazo met Anastasia, she was given an injection of Dex and a drink, and the descent began.
Vitaly took a walkie-talkie and an oxygen and went to help Mr. Kim.
Meanwhile Anton brought Anastasia to Camp 3. As a result, after resting, she, with the help of her comrades, was able to reach Base Camp safely.
At 13:30 Anton went out to meet Vitaly, who was trying to save Kim. Unfortunately, there was another fall during the rescue mission, Kim fell from an 80-degree wall...
When Vitaly ascended to Kim at an altitude of 7900 meters, there were several Pakistani porters and Korean climbers nearby.
Vitaly rappeled into a crack of 20 meters, and helped Kim to anchor — the alpinists began to climb. But after some time, according to the assumption, Kim's jumar had been blocked (Vitaly was 5 meters down)

댓글주소 댓글주소
芝枰 2021-07-26 (월) 20:12
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芝枰 2021-07-28 (수) 16:48
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