총 게시물 346건, 최근 1 건
[역계산] 천체 출몰남중 계산 비교 사이트
글쓴이 : 芝枰 날짜 : 2014-03-06 (목) 12:02 조회 : 4077

인터넷역학 천체 출몰남중 계산

한국천문연구원 일출일몰시각 계산

한국천문연구원 월별 해/달 출몰시각

한국천문연구원 사이트에는 해와 달의 출몰시각만 나온다.
그외 행성에 관해서는 미 해군 천문대(U.S. Naval Observatory) 사이트를 참고하기 바란다.

芝枰 2020-03-08 (일) 04:07

This US Naval Observatory Website is undergoing modernization and will be offline starting Thursday, 24 October 2019. The expected completion of work and return of service is estimated as 30 April 2020. Please visit https://www.usno.navy.mil/USNO/about-us and submit a Requirements Form to the USNO PAO if the information you are seeking is not accessible via another means.

웹사이트 현대화 작업 때문에 약 6개월간 서비스 중지된다는 내용이다.

댓글주소 댓글주소
芝枰 2020-05-10 (일) 02:24
The USNO websites aa.usno.navy.mil, ad.usno.navy.mil, aristarchus.usno.navy.mil, maia.usno.navy.mil, rorf.usno.navy.mil, and toshi.usno.navy.mil are undergoing modernization efforts. The expected completion of the work and the estimated return of service is Summer 2020.

작업이 늦춰지는 중이다.

댓글주소 댓글주소
芝枰 2020-07-26 (일) 20:43
The USNO websites aa.usno.navy.mil, ad.usno.navy.mil, aristarchus.usno.navy.mil, maia.usno.navy.mil, rorf.usno.navy.mil, toshi.usno.navy.mil, and tycho.usno.navy.mil are undergoing modernization efforts. The expected completion of the work and the estimated return of service is Fall 2020, subject to change due to potential impacts of COVID-19.

댓글주소 댓글주소
芝枰 2020-12-06 (일) 01:19
This US Naval Observatory Website is undergoing modernization and will be offline starting Thursday, 24 October 2019. The expected completion of work and return of service is estimated to be spring, 2021, subject to change due to potential impacts of COVID-19. Please visit usno.navy.mil and submit a Requirements Form to the USNO PAO if the information you are seeking is not accessible via another means.

연기가 계속 되고 있다.

댓글주소 댓글주소



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